7 | | While waiting to improve the resource list, the following two reports might be most useful: |
8 | | |
9 | | [http://www.helios-foundation.org/issue-tracker/report/22 Recently updated issues] and [http://www.helios-foundation.org/issue-tracker/report/9 All issues in reverse order]. The comprehensive [http://www.helios-foundation.org/issue-tracker/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=accepted&status=reopened&group=status&milestone= filtering facility] is also very useful, and note that by bookmarking the query you can revisit the filter at will. |
| 7 | While waiting to improve the resource list, the following two reports might be most useful: [http://www.helios-foundation.org/issue-tracker/report/22 Recently updated issues] and [http://www.helios-foundation.org/issue-tracker/report/9 All issues in reverse order]. The comprehensive [http://www.helios-foundation.org/issue-tracker/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=accepted&status=reopened&group=status&milestone= filtering facility] is also very useful, and note that by bookmarking the query you can revisit the filter at will. |